Dental implants – recovery and maintenance
If you’re thinking about dental implants Herefordshire then you’re going to want all the information on how to look after them and how to recover from the surgery, but don’t worry, your team at Warrendale Dental have you covered. We’ve put together a little guide on immediate and long-term care for your dental implants Herefordshire.
Immediate aftercare
In the very first instance you’re going to want to make sure you’ve allowed yourself a little time post-surgery to recover. This doesn’t have to be very long at all, it’s just a couple of days to pop your feet up and relax. It’s been researched and proven time and time again that a good early recovery will have a positive impact on a surgery site later on, so take the time and recover at home.
We recommend that you avoid any strenuous movement such as running or going to the gym, this is to avert too much blood being pumped around the system and causing disruption to the surgery site.
If you are a regular sauna/steam-room/sunbed attendee then we also recommend taking time off from this too. These leisure activities although great for wellbeing can also be disruptive. No worries though, you only need to avoid them for seven days after surgery.
Be aware of what you’re consuming. Whilst your dental implants Herefordshire settle it’s worth just taking a second before you eat something. The reason for this is perhaps obvious and simple, but we’d like to cover it all the same, chewy foods could dislodge and cause rejection of dental implants and so they are really best avoided.
Complete care in the long term
At the practice we see that’s is very common for people to have lost their teeth due to poor oral hygiene. For this reason we want to stress the importance of keeping up with good oral hygiene after you’ve had your dental implants fitted. Just because your new teeth are made from titanium and porcelain doesn’t mean you have a free pass to treat them badly and adopt a subpar hygiene routine. In fact your new false teeth can just as easily be affected by poor care and get rejected, due to peri-impantisis.
Peri-implantitis is what we refer to when we talk about the infection around the implants that cause them to reject and fall out. This happens in the majority of cases for the exact same reason as natural teeth falling out, a poor daily clean. Which is why keeping up with oral hygiene every day is even more important when you have implants fitted.
What you can do
It’s actually very simple. All you need to do is brush your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes with good brushing technique and floss at the end of every single day. If you do this you can sit in the comfort of knowing that you’ve done everything in your power to keep your implants healthy.
And if you want big, big bonus points, take time to assess your diet and think about the amount of sugar and acid present in your food. Is it going to help or hinder your quest for long-term implants success?