Dentures are not the only option when you lose teeth
What is it about dentures that make us automatically think of glasses of water by the bed? The truth is modern day dentures offer a great solution to missing teeth and our antiquated views of them need to shift. However, dentures do not support the jawbone and prolonged usage of dentures leads to jawbone shrinkage.
Jawbone shrinkage occurs because of the removal of the tooth root that supports the bone. In Herefordshire, dental implants can prevent the bone deterioration and therefore prevent the pointy chin that goes hand in hand with our images of the glass on the bedside table.
Warrendale Dental offering incredible innovation
Behind the shallower concerns of our appearance however, dental implants provide incredible innovation that supports your jawbone’s long-term health, ensures your speech is unaffected and you don’t have to compromise on food or drink choices.
The implant itself is a tiny titanium screw that is placed into your jawbone during a simple surgical procedure. Your body will not differentiate between your natural roots and the replacement screw. Your jawbone, soft tissue comprising the gums and the nerves will all grow back around the shaft. This creates a stable base for a crown or dentures to be firmly attached to your dental implant. In Herefordshire, we can assess your suitability for this procedure during consultation.
The jawbone takes up to 6 months to heal around the implant. Once it’s fully healed we can then replace your missing tooth or teeth with a crown or denture. We will craft the replacement to be the same colour as your surrounding teeth, ensuring it looks as real as your natural teeth. It will then support the adjacent teeth, encouraging bone health and create stability throughout the dental chain. After this there is no reason why you will ever have to have it removed or replaced as long as you follow a good oral health routine. You do not have to remove the implant to clean it, simple brushing and flossing is adequate for the care of your dental implant. In Herefordshire we are happy to provide this great alternative to dentures. Call in and ask for a consultation so we can assess your suitability for this innovative procedure.