When do people require dental implants?

Have you broken or lost a tooth? If you have, then look no further and visit Warrendale Dental in Herefordshire, where we can deal with your unique personal needs and requirements.dental-implants-herefordshire

What are dental implants?

Dental implants Herefordshire are a permanent solution to lost teeth. They are made up of a metal called titanium and get screwed directly into the jawbone and essentially become a natural part of the mouth. The titanium screw becomes the root and then an artificial tooth is placed on top of the screw. At your initial consultation your dentist will discuss what the right option is for you based on your individual needs. You can have either a single dental implant or multiple dental implants Herefordshire.

The procedure

Getting dental implants Herefordshire is a lifetime choice. At your initial consultation you will be able to discuss the options available to you. You will undergo a thorough assessment with your dentist where they will discuss your oral hygiene, medical history and outline in detail to you the procedure and the recovery period. Your dentist will also take X-rays and 3D images of your teeth and jaw and make sure that your mouth is ready for the process. After your consultation you will be ready to start your procedure.

At the first appointment the titanium screw will be inserted into the jawbone. This will become the root and once the dental implant has had time to heal, your dentist will be able to place the artificial tooth on top of it. There will be a gap between the first and second appointment to ensure that your implant has enough time to fuse with your jawbone and become a natural part of the mouth. Once that has been done the artificial tooth will be placed on top and this will create a tooth that is the same as your natural teeth, giving you a fully functional mouth that feels comfortable when eating, speaking and smiling.

Once you have had the artificial tooth placed on top of your dental implant you will visit your dentist for your final appointment, where the dentist will check to make sure that the procedure has been performed correctly and to make sure that there is no infection or any other issue.


After you have had the titanium screw inserted into your jaw you may experience some pain and discomfort at first. This is perfectly normal and is to be expected whilst the screw fuses with your jawbone. Your dentist will prepare you for this by giving you antibiotics to ensure that the treated area does not pick up any infections and you will be able to take painkillers and anti-inflammatories also to help relieve the pain. It is imperative that you maintain good oral hygiene and brush your teeth and floss twice daily to avoid any complications. The final result after your treatment will be that you have natural looking teeth that you can use as normal, giving you a confidence boost that will last a lifetime.