Why choose dental implants?



Here at Warrendale Dental, we offer a wide choice of treatments to help our patients get the smile they deserve. One of the options that is chosen by many is to have dental implants Herefordshire. Here, we explore exactly what this treatment is and how it can help. In addition, we also examine some of the advantages of getting implants and discuss how they can help make our patients’ lives much better.

What are dental implants Herefordshire?

This is a means of resolving the issue of tooth loss. In days gone by, the only option for missing teeth was to get dentures fitted. Today, our patients can choose implants as a great alternative that has many benefits.

Implants are a means of replacing the roots of missing teeth, deep within the gums. They are made from titanium, which is a metal that has been proven to be very efficient at integrating with human tissues. The implants are placed into the gums and then topped with abutments which provide a stable base for the artificial teeth to go on top.

Treatment that lasts

Dental implants can last for several years, and in many cases, for a lifetime. The implants and the artificial teeth attached can be treated as natural teeth. This means that as long as they are cared for with regular brushing and flossing, the patient can rely on implants as much as they would have their original teeth.

People who have their teeth replaced with dentures usually have to make regular trips to the dentist. This is because the dentures sit on top of the gums, and act as a substitute for the teeth only and not the roots of the teeth. As a result of this, the gums will shrink over time in order to accommodate the gaps that have been left by the missing roots. This means that the dentures that are fitted at the start of treatment will no longer be appropriate a few months later. Regular appointments to check the fit and reassess dentures are important if they are to be comfortable.

The patient who chooses to have their teeth replaced using implants will have no such issues. The stability and durability of dental implants (after the treatment has been fully completed) means that they are likely to be able to keep dentist appointments to a minimum of check-ups every six months, as is recommended for all patients.

Get on with life as normal

People who opt for dentures often have to be careful about the kinds of foods they eat and may have to avoid things that are very chewy or hard, for fear of dislodging their new teeth.  They can also have cause to feel self-conscious about talking, laughing or even sneezing as these actions can result in the dentures moving around.

Dental implants offer a great solution to all those difficulties. Because they provide such a stable base for the new teeth, the patient can eat, chat and socialise without any fear of their teeth becoming dislodged. This can allow them to feel much more confident about how they look and about interacting with other people and that can be life changing for many patients.