Why dental implants are the perfect way to replace missing teeth
Dental implants are an excellent treatment option if you have missing or failing natural teeth. At Ross-on-Wye dental practice Warrendale, our implantology team can replace one, some, or even all of your natural teeth with the help of implants.
Why you should replace missing teeth
Ask any dentist and they will always advise you to replace your missing teeth. This is important for your oral health, because otherwise your remaining teeth may tip or shift into the gaps, becoming crooked and harder to clean, and increasing your chances of developing gum disease and tooth decay, which in turn can lead to further tooth loss.
It is also important to replace missing teeth because of the impact they can have on your general health. If all or most of your teeth are missing, you may struggle to get proper nutrition because it is hard to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
Why dental implants are often the best option
At our Ross-on-Wye practice, we often find dental implants are the best tooth replacement option. They are the only permanent way a dentist can replace your missing teeth, and they are the only way to replace tooth roots.
Dental implants are small titanium screws that are placed directly in the jaw bone in a minor operation. After a healing period new teeth – a bridge, dentures, or crowns – can be attached. They will be held firmly in place and won’t fall out unexpectedly.
Dental implants in Ross-on-Wye
Come into Warrendale for a consultation with an implant dentist and they will assess your suitability for implant treatment. Implant placement usually just requires a local anaesthetic, and is carefully planned before surgery to ensure your implants offer maximum support to your new teeth.